god bless you this is just an awesome and glorious day this is Cristina Sosso of freedom fellowship church and sons of God International and this is the prophetic voice of our time exciting things and glorious things are happening supernatural things so get ready it’s your turn in the name of Jesus it’s your time and season only believe okay so stay tuned we are going to discuss a lot of wonderful things and some of them are repetitious teachings because they are necessary okay so if I’m repeating myself over and over again it means to say you haven’t got it yet or some of you have not gotten it yet or you yourself brother/sister have not gotten it yet so here it is especially ordered for you from heaven the Holy Spirit is revealing many things in this season as I mentioned before we will this generation this season we will receive revelation from God that have not been revealed to God’s people in the past generations new wonderful things and they are in the Bible the revelation of Christ unfolding before us Ephesians chapter 3 verses 2 & 6 it says surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you that is the mystery made known to me by revelation as I have already written briefly in reading this then this is from NIV in reading this then you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ verse 5 which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets for several years now the Lord has me released a prophetic voice that the apostles and prophets are taking the center States and they will influence every sector of society and this revelation they are going to receive it God’s true apostles and prophets are going to receive the revelation of Christ that has never been revealed before in the past generations so in the generation of the Apostle Paul what was revealed to him that has not been revealed in the past generations is in verse 6 efficience chapter 3 verse 6 it says this mystery is that through the gospel the gentiles are heirs together with Israel members together of one body and share us together in the promise in Jesus Christ God does not play favorites the nations of Israel are the apple of his eyes and so is the Christian nation which is the body of Christ the believers the born-again believers okay so God does not favor one over the other I want you to understand that okay you are special you are special in God’s heart so this revelation is now being emphasized and revealed by the Holy Spirit and we the leaders and people of God getting it have been increasing glory to God Jesus is opening our minds in our hearts to receive this revelation in Luke chapter 24 verses 44 and 45 it says he said to them this is what I told you while I was still with you everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the law of Moses the prophets and the Psalms 45 then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures isn’t that amazing the Lord Jesus is right now opening your mind so that you will understand the Scriptures prepare to receive you are in for a wonderful exciting walk with Jesus in 2017 this year and beyond where the Holy Spirit is leading us he is leading us towards our inheritance manifestation of God ordained relationship healing restoration he is leading us towards the promises of God we have never been this way before how are we able to know which way to go if we are trying to lead the Holy Spirit where we want to go based on our own understanding abilities strengths or resources it won’t do the Holy Spirit will wait for you until you allow him to lead you instead he is patient and he can wait forever for you but he is not going to allow you to lead him he is God no matter how much you holler and cry no matter how long you fast he is not going to allow you to lead him okay so let us yield to that let me share with you what we’re learning in our fundraising events I think I mentioned this before but it’s worth repeating when that directed me at the beginning of this year to go to Israel to lead a tour my flesh didn’t want to go but then he directed me to be there during the feast of the weeks or Pentecost that got my attention because you know what God ordained our footsteps even on little things when he directs us and we obey it produced supernatural results so even my flesh didn’t want to go I obeyed then he told me that he has been watching and has been seeing how the praise team being led by Deborah Farrow they have been practicing they have been around the clock they’re not complaining they’re always praying and practicing and preparing for the praise and worship services and God is looking all of that and he wanted to take them to Israel and I asked the praise team and they said yes they did everybody is going every one of them heard from God and God wants them to believe him for the resources to pay for the tour and at the same time as part of their preparation because of their trustworthiness and because of their willingness and hard work they are a part of the transfer of wealth influence and affluence and so the Holy Spirit led us to raise fund raising because he wants us to do things his way we are not going to fast and pray for God to touch somebody’s heart to have millions of dollars and to give you know God has been touching and some of you are listening right now even to sow seed in this ministry and you have not responded so God knows so if he is leading us into something that will qualify all of us if we fail not if we are trustworthy for the manifestation of the transfer of wealth and at the same time the Holy Spirit who is our teacher and our God is teaching us to do finances so God wanted all of us to believe for the finances to pay for this trip because he wants to bless each and every one of us at the same time because we are a part of the transfer of wealth and I agree with the Lord our praise team have been working hard our ministry team they are the best in the world and they deserve this so God wants us to do the fundraising differently his ways of doing things to train the group how to hear from God how to be led by the Holy Spirit how to work and be fruitful and productive how to be faithful we worked we have been working seven days a week me and the team our children especially our younger people in the group they are at the same time learning leadership management accounting and we all are learning to appreciate work good work my father used to tell me that being able to work is a privilege and a gift from God and we their children me and my brothers and sisters we were all assigned tours in the house it doesn’t matter whether we have lots of homework we were not exempted and even though we had domestic helpers we in the body of Christ have been trained and conditioned to minister to pray to lay hands on the sick to pray for people and to do works of service in the ministry they are all good and they are all necessary okay a part of our revelation for this generation is revelation 1:6 and 5:10 in King James Version that God created us to be kings and priests to rule and reign with him here on earth we Christians have trained how to minister how to deliver and prepare for a service or a sermon how to evangelize and all of this have been effective and are good but we were never trained how to govern or administer you know Kings govern they rule and reign and remember I say a92 and the government shall be upon his shoulders and we are the body of Christ we must learn how to govern how to manage companies how to administer so you and I have to overcome where God has placed us right now don’t be in a hurry to be on a full-time ministry we are all full-time ministers of our God wherever we’re at that is the mindset that we need to think and meditate upon okay because we cannot mingle the system of the world even though they’re good into the system of our God and I’ll explain that later on okay but we are operating in a better covenant and this is one of the things that will be uprooted overthrown and thrown down and to be destroyed is starting in 20 17 is some of our doctrines and our way of thinking concerning ministry and being in the kingdom of God I want you I’m gonna give you assignment meditate read and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal things to you Hebrews chapters 5 and 7 okay once we get this we will know who we are in Christ Jesus and the power that the church will emerge as a glorious church instead of many of us are wondering where is the power in the church well it is manifesting at Freedom Fellowship Church I don’t know where are you going but it is manifesting in ours we don’t have to look for ok but let me read to you a part of Hebrews okay Hebrews chapter 7 starting with verse 11 Hebrews chapter 7 starting with verse 11 if perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood for on the basis of it the law was given to the people I’m reading NIV why was there still need for another priest to come one in the order of Melchizedek not in the order of Aaron for when there is a change of the priesthood I want you to listen to this for there is a change of the priesthood there must also be a change of the law verse 13 he of whom of these things are said belonged to a different tribe and no one from that tribe has ever served at the altar for it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah and in regard to the tribe Moses said nothing about priests and what we have said is even more clear if another priest like Melchizedek appears one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life for it is written you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek the law you have to come from a tribe of Aaron or Levi right you have to be a firstborn son you have to be a men so those are the regulation of Levitical priesthood but God saw Fault in it and change the priesthood to the order of Melchizedek not a Levitical priesthood anymore so everybody can be a priest including young including old including male Oh guess what including women because once were born again we became a spirit being in a body so a change of the law was done through our Lord Jesus Christ okay let me read it again verse 16 one was become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life for it is written you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek verse 18 the former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless for the law made nothing perfect and a better hope is introduced by which we draw near to God and it was not without an oath other priests became priests without any oath but he Jesus became a priest with an oath when God said to him the Lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever because of this oath Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant so as leaders we need to disciple God’s people to be minister of the gospel and to rule and to reign but at the same time we have to be a priest to the order of Melchizedek not Levitical priesthood that’s why young people can be a priest we are all a priest because why and also we are also a part of the body of Christ the Bride of Christ because Jesus is forever a priest the order of melchizedek his body the body of Christ you and I are priests forever to the order of Melchizedek we must be led by the Holy Spirit and lay aside our traditions which are a combination of the law of Moses Levitical priesthood and will trying to work it in the perfect Covenant and the New Covenant that is in Christ Jesus the order of Levi’s Levitical priesthood is not going to work in power that’s why there is no power in the church we have to be ministers and priests of our Lord Jesus Christ to the order of Melchizedek because that’s who he is hello there are two systems we all know that there are two systems operating on the earth the kingdom of this world and the Kingdom of our God and we know that in the book of Revelation the kingdom of the world one system and the Kingdom of our God let us ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what is operating in our lives even in our ministry even in our businesses that are still patterned in the kingdom of the world because even if we Spritle eyes these things in spite of all of these things because in the book of Hebrews it says anything that can be shaken will be shaken so that the things of God shall remain that is in Hebrews 12 27 so if your practices even your mindset or belief are not patterned after the kingdom of our God under the priest to the order of Melchizedek not Levitical priesthood they are bound to be shaken and fail as a nation I am talking about Christians we need to apply God’s ways of doing things here on earth this system is patterned after our Lord Jesus Christ and he is the one who gave us the principles of the kingdom you read the four the four Gospels I guarantee you your eyes will be opened as a former banker and a businesswoman it is Jesus Christ who laid out the basic principles of finances management and everything that he expects us to apply here on earth we’re supposed to operate in the kingdom of God and what is the kingdom of God it says the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit we need the Holy Spirit we need not to be just a student of the Bible we need to be a student of the Holy Spirit and when he lead us with Scripture to read and meditate on he will give us revelation and understanding that never been revealed in the past generations that’s how influential we will become so the system of our God Jesus laid out the foundation and the principles of his kingdom here on earth that transfer up wealth and influence and affluence it is not patterned in the ways of the world it is not based on your resources or your background your education or your gender or your age or your looks our abilities it is based on our faithfulness and by being led by the Holy Spirit it is based on us to implement God’s ways of doing things here on earth in every area of our life right okay we need to go back to Luke chapter 16 verses 1 through 12 over and over again this is about the shrewd manager right and listen to this I want to emphasize on this I’m going to go back and remind you and nag you about this because this is important this is thus saith the Lord the transfer of wealth influence and affluence are now beginning to manifest in every area of our life and we need to understand this right so in Luke chapter 16 verses 8 & 9 it says the master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly this is important on what Jesus said for the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light this is what Jesus is talking about the unbelievers or the worldly people are more effective successful and productive and smart in operating the world system than the believers operating in the system of our God concerning the transfer of wealth that is now manifesting look chapter 16 verses 10 and 12 whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much so if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth who will trust you with true riches and if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property who will give your property of your own I based our fundraising events on this scripture everybody in the group everybody who are involved in the fundraising events they work hard and they work harder each and every one was assigned a responsibility and they have to be faithful in those responsibilities because if they can handle simple instructions they will be able to handle bigger things no matter how much we memorize the scripture like the wealth of the wicked is laid out for the just and we really believe it we never doubt it but if we are not applying the principles of the kingdom of God it’s not going to manifest faith is combined by corresponding action or work and faith worketh by love the love of God so it was Jesus who laid out this foundation and that’s what we’re doing and in our fundraising event I really bless you Arlis nurse for coming for showing up just to encourage this and to go shopping or to buy some food and to encourage this you will be blessed what you did but for some of you who came even some pastors who wanting to take away the funds from the group because they are asking for money or they’re practically wanting the furnitures or the stuff almost for free I am NOT going to allow you to take away the resources from this group because this fundraising events we were instructed by the Lord and inspired by the Lord to raise these funds is specifically for two areas for the Israel tour and for the upgrade of this radio broadcast nothing else and I will always say no without any guilt to anyone who tried to change those vision and instruction it’s unfair for the praise team for you to even try to take away from them why don’t you do your fundraising yourself why don’t you ask God for instruction you know we are not begging for money we never did beggars are not allowed in this ministry we work hard and we believe God and guess what the fund raising events became a fund raising events for all of us we were laughing we encountered so much problems and the little foxes came to destroy the vine I mean I could never imagine people taking and stuffing one two three dollars item in their purses and walking away without paying for it if it’s food I would have given you more but really one or two dollar knickknacks and you’re stealing it I feel sorry for you but you’re not going to be a part of this ministry this is not a begging ministry and you will not be welcome our primary thing is to minister before our Lord and to obey the Great Commission and yes once we are instructed upon by God yes we give to the poor but we don’t hand out any thing to beggars let me leave it at that but I wanted to encourage you my dear brothers and sisters this is the manifestation this is the season for the manifestation of the transfer of wealth influence and affluence God is hoping and calling you to be a part of it so come join us in implementing God’s ways of doing things and operate as a priest to the order of Melchizedek instead of Levitical priesthood god bless you for tuning in