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Episode : united states

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42 episodes tagged with "united states"

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    Episode 669: The Power of Prayer

    We must realize the power behind our prayers and obedience. So many great things are happening and will continue to happen in this country because of the seeds sown by the body of Christ. We cannot …
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    Episode 670: Those That Pursue God

    In this episode Pastor Josh talks about people from history whose obedience and pursuit of God shifted the world and the church. In the same manner, the people that God is seeking today are the people …
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    Episode 660: Major Changes

    In this episode Pastor Cristina talks about things going on in this country as well as instructions for the Body of Christ. We must be vigilant, grateful teachable, and focus on the will of God. Some …
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    Episode 657: The Grace of God

    In this episode, Pastor Cristina Sosso talks about what the grace of God is along with the things happening in our country. We as the body of Christ need to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us; the …
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    Episode 651: Let the Light of God Lead You

    Everything we do, in every area of our life, should be embedded with the light of God. That is the full time ministry we should focus on; obeying God and being the light everywhere we go. Then, when …
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    Episode 642: Be Kingdom Minded

    We must get out of our own ambition, expectations, and desires and be kingdom minded. Our obedience and the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most prized pearl that we could acquire. Let us …
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    Episode 640: Through the Spirit of God We Shall do Great Things

    God still has a greater work for America, so do not become cynical or pessimistic, instead focus on obeying the Lord. We need only to speak His word and do the right thing. Do not speak doubt, …
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    Episode 636: Be Persistent in Your Faith and Obedience to God

    We must be persistent in praying and obeying God. We cannot make assumptions about how things are, or what will be done. We must focus instead on what God is telling us and be persistent in following …
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    Episode 626: The Great Divide

    It is time for the Body of Christ to govern and call those things as though they were. We must unite and pray for our country and ask God what it is we need to do about the issues in this country. We …
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    Episode 625: We Need to Get Engaged

    Change will not come from the world's ways of doing things but by our obeying the instruction of the Lord. We must take our posts and get engaged. Remember that when so much is given, so much is …
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    Episode 594: Take Up Your Post

    God's purpose will be fulfilled, whether you are a part of it or not. Remember the seven thousand who had not bowed their knees to Baal, those that were set aside and ready to be used by God; do not …
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    Episode 588: Forwards and Upwards

    We need to stop looking at the past as the "golden days." The things God wants to do are things that the generations before could not even imagine. So let us learn from the past, but continue to move …
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    Episode 587: Take Initiative

    We must take initiative wherever we are now and do whatever we can, in excellency. Remember, if you can be trusted in little, you can be trusted in much, so let us show God that we are trustworthy …
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    Episode 581: Time To Take Action

    Do not allow the wicked people or the world to divide us. We must rearrange our priorities. God is waiting for us to be united and focus on Him. It is not up to our leaders, so do not make an idol of …
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    Episode 543: Faith To Receive Your Healing

    God is purifying the Body of Christ so that we can handle what He is about ready to pour out. So do not dwell on the past or the missed opportunities, seek God now! God is doing many great things in …
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    Episode 429: The American Eclipse

    As prophesied in 2017, America, like the eclipse, will experience a time where darkness will abound, but it will be for just a short period of time. Remain hopeful. There will be major changes, …
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    Episode 427: America, The Pandemic, and Uniting Under God

    We must all unite under God. Continue to pray for America and pray for our leaders as well as what is going on in this country. Big things are happening all over the world, and we should continue to …
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    Episode 398: Established and Rooted in Love

    My prayer for you today is in Ephesians 3:16-19, “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,  so that Christ may dwell in your …
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    Episode 392: Learning and Living by the Holy Spirit

    The Lord Jesus is very awesome. He does not want us to get into a rut. He does not want us to develop a man-made doctrine out of the way He moved in your life or the way He moved through you. He …
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    Episode 391: The Body of Christ is Being Stirred

    If God will show us even half of the understanding on what is already (taking) place, all the wickedness that is happening in Washington D.C., we will be so shocked and we will be disheartened. But we …
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    Episode 382: A New Wave of Influence

    Many things are being unraveled right now in our time that we never thought possible and it will get deeper and deeper throughout this year and beyond. I am so excited with the new breed of prophets …
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    Episode 357: The Great Commission - Harvest Season

    Why am I here (in the Philippines)? Harvest season. This is one of the prophecies released for the United States of America: that the Christians especially in this country will experience, receive, …
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    Episode 356: The Timing and Ways of the Lord in These Last Days

    We are expecting God’s move in a supernatural and mind-boggling way. And before I give you two prophecies for the body of Christ for 2019 and beyond, I want to emphasize the timing of the Lord and the …
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    Episode 355: Prophecies for 2019 and Beyond Continued

    This year, you and I, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we will be amazed at the demonstration of the power of God and the love of God towards His people (and that is you and I)... from the book of …
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    Episode 354: Accelerated Manifestations for the Body of Christ are Here

    This is what the Lord is saying to the church right now: “the acceleration of the manifestation of the harvest season for the body of Christ (is here).”... So believe and trust Him, and take your …
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    Episode 353: Prophecy for 2019

    “Then I heard the Lord saying, ‘I am going to show you something.’ Then I was in Washington, D.C. and I saw a tree with many roots. Some roots are bigger than others, and these roots attach with other …
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    Episode 329: A Season of Opportunities

    This is a season of many opportunities, a season of many open doors. Once these opportunities come, you must respond accordingly: You must follow the instruction, and you must follow God's ways of …
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    Episode 320: Blessed to be a Blessing

    “There are so many prophecies... taking place right now… Many many issues, global issues [challenges], have been here... for many many years, but now we can see victory, we can see resolution of these …
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    Episode 318: Political Revival in the USA and Beyond

    “The United States of America is not going to fall, not under our watch in Jesus’ name!... The Lord directed me a few weeks ago to go to Washington D.C. to pray for our country, political leaders, and …
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    Episode 312: Following God and Taking Dominion

    There's a cultural and economic shift happening right now all over the world. If we obey God, we can be at the forefront of it for His glory, the benefit of His people, and our own benefit.
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    Episode 305: Prophecies Fulfilled and Prophecies for 2018

    Pastor Cris is back to share some of the challeneges, prophecies, and encouragement for the Body. God fulfilled His word in glorious ways in 2017, and there's even greater things prophesied to come in …
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    Episode 295: Emerging Glory

    Do not give in to fear, doubt, or unbelief. God is positioning the Body of Christ to where it should be.
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    Episode 287: Momentary Darkness Before the Light

    Just like the darkness of the total solar eclipse lasted only a short moment, the darkness of our times will be quickly cast out by the light of God through His people.
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    Episode 271: Have Faith in God

    Expounding on faith in terms of the covenant God established with us, let us allow God to make His move in the nations and in our personal lives.
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    Episode 253: Prophecy and Political Revival

    Political revival in the United States has already begun! Continue to pray for both parties and all of our leaders. We must always consider His will and His heart.
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    Episode 251: Political Revival

    Let us experience and have the heart of God. Political revival in the United States is here. Don't forget to register for the November 19 Prophetic Conference and the December 31 Prophetic Gathering …
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    Episode 250: Preparation for the Greater Work

    This episode includes election exhortation for the Body of Christ in America, praise reports, and preparation for the greater work.
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    Episode 218: Our Responsibility as His Church (Featuring Mike Sosso)

    The state of the world reflects the condition of the Church. It is our responsibility to pray for all those in authority, to be politically engaged for His honor, and to vote for righteousness.
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    Episode 217: God's Guidelines for Politics (Featuring Mike Sosso)

    Special guest speaker Michael Sosso shares an urgent message concerning God's guidelines for voting and politics.
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    Episode 213: Prophetic Words to the Church in 2016

    Pastor Cris continues to share about the prophetic words that were released about the Church in 2016. God is doing great things!
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    Episode 212: Prophecy to the Church in 2016

    2016 is a new year with a clean slate! Hear the prophecy to the Church. For His glory, our benefit, and the benefit of His people, we are going to look good, feel good, live good, be good, and do …
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    Episode 210: The Year in Review (2016)

    Pastor Cris shares many of the things that God said and did in 2015, and talks about what God has in store for the year 2016.