God the Father has blessed us in the heavenly realm with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. We take on His heavenly way of thinking, fixing our thoughts on Jesus by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit.
hello thank you for tuning in this is Joshua Sosso and you’re listening to the prophetic voice of our time God has been so good these past several weeks he’s continuing to work on all of our hearts and mature us freedom fellowship churches we’re pushing further and further and further towards bringing his kingdom here on earth and bringing about his glory in these days Pastor Chris isn’t here today but we are going to be listening to a sermon that she shared with us about two weeks ago where she was talking about being a heavenly minded because the Bible says that the blessings of God they are from the heavens heavenly things that they are heavenly things and so often it’s very easy to take the blessings that God says he wants to give us but filter them through the world’s way of thinking and that’s where we get into trouble we need to view everything from a heavenly mindset from a kingdom mindset from God’s eyes because he doesn’t operate the way that we operate so I want you to just think about that think about anything that you have been praying to God about think about how we need to get out of our own mind because it’s very easy to get tunnel visioned and to limit God with our own perceptions instead we need to allow God to work and set our limitations rather than us limiting him so without further ado let’s take a listen to Pastor Chris she talks about the heavenly realm in Ephesians chapter 1 is starting with verse 3 all the way to verse 14 this is who we are praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ it means to say father God right who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ keep in mind that those blessings that came from god our heavenly realms they are not the earth realms they’re not the word leanness but they came from heaven and they will produce blessings all kinds of spiritual blessings from the heavenly realms not the worlds realms not your education realms not your mindset realms but heavenly realms okay so they are not of this world okay who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ that’s where we are doing something wrong with all those desires that God already promised us that they are in accordance of the scriptures that they are not manifesting they’re getting postponed or they’re getting compromised because we’re dealing with them in the world realm instead of heavenly realm you need to be in the kingdom of God in the heavenly realm in the spiritual realm in Christ Jesus meaning through the leading of the Holy Spirit in order for those to come down whether it’s personal stuff whether it’s material whether it’s healing whether it’s deliverance whether it’s salvation it has to be heavenly realms you know I kept on saying that a lot of times when we go to visit our family members I consider them as mission trip so after the December 31st conference we went to Arizona and soon enough I have to really force ankle the issues and those times and I left there who it’s just like I’m not going to hold back I’m not going to be stopped I took authority over my family and I found out today that my family members especially the family members that I confronted two of them now they’re both going to the church they’re both praying to Jesus if I did not confront it there’s still a season as hell you understand the same oh you said hell it’s in the scripture are you getting this so if I did not confront that if I did not in my ground because we talk ourselves into confronting our issues it’s none of my business oh they’re up there aids they’re already matured oh I don’t want to lose them you’re going to lose them to Satan if you’re not going to stand your ground but I did but after that I told Satan uh-uh you are not permitted to touch them to destroy them to kill them they’re under my authority and look at the result but if I was saying oh can you pray let me um have some handkerchief here and I’m going to bless them or spit on them and tuck you the love offering and give it to your spouse’s or your children for their healing and deliverance how many of you have been collecting oil from other ministries and your family members are still the same or you’re still the same how many huh why because it’s in the worldly realms that are being spiritual eyes instead of a blessing that are from heavenly realms hello for example the prophecy that Bonnie and Mike gave us is find yourself a house right what you want from the father and within three months you’re going to get your house right oh thank God hallelujah and that we’re looking we’re looking but either I’ll find some faults in them or sauce or find some fault in them and I was getting frustrated with me I said within three months I’m gonna get it because what it’s thus saith the Lord it’s from heavenly realms and if I’m going to grab hold of it and never let go it’s the reputation of God that is at stake so within three months we found and closed the house mike wants a White Rock I want a deck with built-in benches and I want a set back so that I can see who’s coming well the Lord added the bonus he added the gate I don’t have to look all I need to do is to close that gate are you getting this but within three months we found the house we got everything else no ceremonies no nothing are you getting this because sometimes with us I already said there had to be no divas nor DeVos allowed in here you want God to do everything for you are you getting this God is gonna show it to me well if you’re not moving how are you gonna find it they’re getting this with me I pray in tongues I did my homework I pray in tongues yes Mike put what he wants in writing put mine in writing and I start looking I would not let go because if God tells you get your house find your house how many times that God already told you that I know what you’re gonna say well I don’t know God has to pay for it I said God said oh excuse me I forgot are you getting this don’t you think that if one of my children would say okay Joshua Oh James I’m gonna use James because James loves car anything that has engine if I’ll tell James James go find a sports car that you want and I’m gonna buy you one if James will say well it’s just like I’m gonna start looking as soon as mother gives me a gas card or give the money for the insurance and Here I am I’m waiting so it’s expense still and that is what’s happening all of us in every areas of our life but if James we’re just oh my gosh it’s like what do you want what do you think mom and said what color what do you think what kind of car would I want what do you think and he wants to engage me with it would you go with me and instead like what about this what about that and he would not do anything or he would not pick his car without asking me first and he was just so excited don’t you think that will warm my heart delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart if God will tell you a promise and you’re so excited I have not forgotten I have not forgotten I’m going to be ready I’m going to be packed and I started so excited about it that’s how am I going to decorate it and all of those things do you think that God will not be pleased that’s why some of us continue to get blessed and some of us is just right there and since you made all the decisions without even asking God then God would say okay they don’t need me so they can do it by themselves and that’s what happened when we get into trouble well God told me to do this and God told me to do that but you did not engage him you did not follow the instruction you did not ask for a follow-up are you getting this everything that God promised if you receive it from heavenly realms then you’re going to include him you’re going to apply the word and you know it is impossible to please God without faith and faith only work by love right okay the visions chapter one for he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight before the creation of the world he already said okay marry me call drew we’ll be holy and blameless before me and I’m going to do everything in my power that they will be holy blameless and how much power does God have oh okay in love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will I’m reading from NIV to the praise of his glorious grace which he has freely given us in the one he loves God loves you in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding what did he love is on us wisdom and what understanding so instead of quoting proverbs in all your getting an understanding just thank God and say you lavished me with all wisdom and understanding I thank you for wisdom I thank you for understanding about this situation instead of getting and getting he lavished on us once you’re born again it is already in there made available for us isn’t that amazing you don’t need to receive it you got it so use it and he made known to us the mystery of his will so there is no oh we’ll never know the will of God it’s mystery who’s a liar you are God he already said he made known to us the mystery of his will so you don’t say I don’t know what the will of God in my life I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing don’t say that anymore then if somebody call you dummy then you will be offended well you just said it I don’t know so I said like lord I hear your voice I thank you that this is not a mystery for me because you have made it known you will make it known to me to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head Christ Jesus what is that heaven and earth are under the lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ so in every sector of society we have to implement the principles of the kingdom of God through and in Christ Jesus okay in him we were also chosen having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything say everything in every areas of my life right with a purpose of his will in order why why does God walk once that in order that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be for the praise of his glory all he wants his glory we got to keep the goods that’s how generous he is and you were also included in Christ when you heard a word of truth the gospel of your salvation did he say when you look at the facts know when you heard the truth right the gospel of your salvation having believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit now we understand revelation 94 right they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads those that are not filled with the Holy Spirit well Ephesians said that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit am I correct okay so why are you afraid of tribulation are you not spirit filled well you have the seal of God he told the Angels don’t harm them write on their foreheads what do they mean because those that are led by the Holy Spirit they have now the mind of Christ right okay so our seal is the holy spirit right the Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession to the praise of his glory okay so key points who we are we are blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ always include Christ’s right just keep in mind the blessings are in heavenly realms thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven right okay now when we pray that prayer it’s also talking about every areas of our life right he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight amazing right and this is also in Colossians chapter 1 verse 10 through 15 and we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way say every way bearing fruit in every good work growing in the knowledge of God being strengthened right number three he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ right so we are sons of God those that are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God so there are no male or female in the kingdom of God we are spiritual being in a body right okay we were marked for God with a seal of the Holy Spirit those are some of the key points so once you review that and once you talk to God about all the things that you’ve been doing that are on the earthly realms no matter how you spiritualize them by the price God is not going to grant you a waiver even if it manifests then there will be sorrow to it but if it is with God it’s just like all the challenges you’re going to face they will pass and if not if the will or decision of others are involved God will intervene on your behalf so don’t you be afraid you need to see your spouse’s and your loved ones saved but don’t give any excuses or don’t support it you have to confront it once you are confronted with the situation you say that is wrong are you getting this well let me introduce you to my family so that you can minister to them why don’t you pray for them and ask God you know God gave you them you can take care of them you know how to handle them don’t try to pretend I don’t know I need wisdom lord give me wisdom you said we don’t have because we didn’t ask and said he lavished us we didn’t even ask we already have it are you getting this okay so get on with the promises of God and the desires of your heart on the other one and ask the Holy Spirit which is my priority on the ones that he already instructed you gave you instruction give you confirmation don’t touch those again and obey the instruction and ask God for forgiveness for your unbelief well I believed then for your rebellion and disobedience hello I don’t want you to miss anything because it’s already here it’s already here and there’s some saying so I don’t want you to miss anything I’d rather that you get upset with me now and so like what else is new right I am so glad my ministry is not running for a popularity contest I would not even have qualified are you getting this but my life is exciting and it’s about ready the second phase is about ready to get more interesting as far as I’m concerned right so it’s like oh I’m going with you and so like no if you’re boring maybe you don’t have any exciting things happening in your life stay away from me you sinner we’re supposed to have exciting life right so we can walk on water today and tomorrow we’re going to tell the same water has it hey what are my plans are you getting this the heavenly realms are here so please throw away all your garbage your stinking thinking your old habits even from this morning and always do the right thing have a pure heart always consider what Jesus heart instead of okay it’s from God let’s go who cares no father I want them to be where I’m at God loves that because it’s a character of Jesus he already even a savior but he knew the father and said no no no no I am your only begotten Son I will be the firstborn of the many brethren so adopt them because father may they know that you love them as much as she loved me that scripture changed my life as a lie what I cried for three days IRA’s I’d known I was unknown and then the Lord put me to a sleep long long sleep and showed me ever since I can remember five years old on how he was already loving me and protecting me and I said like oh wow that is a lot of love are you getting this and that was pastor Chris talking about the heavenly realm and I just want to stop and think about that last statement that she made about the love of God if we’re focused on the love of God and we focus on who God is that he is all loving then we can rest assured knowing that he has our best interest at heart and if we just focus on who God is and on his love it becomes that much easier to surrender it all to him whether it be our family members whether it be our finances whether it be whatever desire it is in our heart if we give them to God understanding that he loves us then we won’t have to worry about it because God has her best interest well we’re about out of time for today but before we go I just want to remind you guys about the Passover celebration we have coming up on the 22nd it’s gonna start at 6 p.m. and it’s gonna be held at the Hilton Garden Inn at the rim so if you want to attend this event and I’m telling you you definitely do you need to get registered so if you want to get registered go to our website wws oh gee mi org again that’s w WS o GMA org you will be able to find our events page and you can register online there there is a registration fee it’s $50 per person and that’s going to pay for your meal that’s gonna help pay for the venue and this is actually the first Passover that we’ve opened up to the general public over the radio so this is going to be very exciting to see who all is going to join us in celebrating Jesus and his sacrifice as our Passover lamb so again register go to our website get registered there on our website you can also find past broadcasts of this radio program if you go to our podcast section we have a long list of old radio broadcasts that you can download that you can listen to on your phone we’re also on iTunes so if you look out the prophetic voice of our time on iTunes you can find it there so check it out god bless you guys God is on the move God is doing so much and I’m just happy I’m excited to be a part of it I’m excited to see it manifest and let’s all of us let’s all of us move into the blessing let’s all of us move into glory into power together so that the body of Christ will be a triumphing Church that will be an overcoming Church that will be a church that will bring about the kingdom of the Lord in the earth so let’s go about let’s make the kingdom of God manifest here on the earth and let’s be Kingdom minded let’s be heavenly my so enough of this getting stuck in our own bubble but let’s expand it let’s expand it and ask God to give us his eyes so that we can see the way he sees things and that we can begin to move in the spiritual realm and not be limited by the natural so god bless you thank you so much for tuning in until next time