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09/02/2024 | No Longer Prolong Your Manifestations (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: September 01, 2024
The time for sitting back and just spectating is over, it is now time for obedience and action. We will be ask to obey instructions that may not make much sense to us but we are to follow them. If we cant follow these little instructions that we are given now, and we do not even hold any authority over any industries or corporations, what makes you think we could be trusted with them? We serve a God who does the miraculous. Get yourself right, ask the Father to expose those habits, and sins that are keeping you from moving forward. Ask Him to show you how to correct yourself. Stop reaching into scripture and trying to recreate miracles that have been done in the past. Do you think that our Father can not give you a miracle of your own? Some of us may be at a point of desperation, and that may just be what we need to finally make that leap of trust in the Lord. The battle is not ours, but the Lord’s, all we have to do is ask and obey the Father. We are the preserving salt of the Earth, the condition of our world all rest in the hands of God’s people. Let us not allow these wickedness to prosper any longer.