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05/19/2024 | Inquire Of The Lord (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: May 19, 2024
Time and time again we have been told that time is of the essence, so what have we been doing with the time we have been given? Maybe you have been slacking off, doing the things that please you? This move will not be held up because of you and it will throw you into a chaos that you are not prepared for, because you have not been obeying the instructions of the Lord. Choose this day to obey the instructions of the Lord, yesterday is finished and gone. Say to yourself “I’m going to hear from the Lord, and i will obey Him. Create an intimacy with Him that makes you feel empty without speaking to Him. Let Him be the first you talk to in the morning , while you go about your daily task and the last one to speak to before you lay your head down at night. If you think you have it good now, imagine having the creator of EVERYTHING in your corner showing you new ways of doing something, giving you ideas of inventions and moves to make. He will make you look so good. True happiness lies with the presence of the Lord. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on May 19, 2024