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08/18/2024 | Catch The Next Train (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: August 18, 2024
Pastor Cristina has given us a hard truth this morning, that truth is that we are not above the others that have been following the instructions of the Lord. For years our Father has been telling us the the train, bus, boat is loading up and about loaded, and if we are not ready for its departure, it will leave without us. Many of us have taken this truth for granted. Some of us have missed that deadline. The good news is that there will always be another train, bus or boat. It is only up to us and our hearts. Are we going to submit to preparation of our Father or are we going to continue in our own ways further pushing us back from our greater destiny. Ask the Father to check our hearts, to reveal the ugliness that we have, forsake your own will and acknowledgement. Speak in the Spirit, sit and listen for further instructions. Ask God is the decisions and path you are going down pleases Him. Remember as long as you are here on earth, God has a need for you. No one can disqualify you, but yourself. Our God is an awesome God. Lets catch that next train! This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on August 18, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso