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09/04/2024 | Best Time to Obey (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: September 05, 2024
This evening, Pastor Josh shared some shocking statistics about the workforce in the world. Most people in the world are unproductive at their jobs and waste their employer’s time. That cannot be us in the Body of Christ. We as Christians should be the most productive people in the world. We need to take care of other people’s property and be productive with their time to reap the same in our future businesses. We need to have the work ethic like Joseph and Daniel because they were the hardest workers in the lowest places. They were faithful in their time as employees and where raised to the top. We need to make a mark that your employers are going to notice. Be faithful and productive in the area God has you in right now. We have to be faithful as an employee to be trained and ready for when we become employers. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.