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07/28/2024 | Address The Issues Of Your Heart (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: July 28, 2024
Pastor Cristina has hit so many points this morning, on our faith, our intentions, our willingness, our expectations and our walk with Christ. Many of us still want to be apart of the world system, we just sprinkle a little “Christian” on it and think we are making changes. We should not be conforming to the world system, instead we should be setting the system for the world to follow. Many of us are looking to our past prophets and emulating what they did and lived like not realizing that they are in higher positions now and we are just trying to replicate their victories. That is not what we have been called to do. We have what some of those prophets did not have, the power of speaking in tongues, our own spiritual language between God and yourself. Are we actively trying to progress the Kingdom of God or are just spectating, holding on to the coattails of others who are pushing to reach the Kingdom of God? Where you are now, is our Father going to trust you with Nations, will we be trusted to follow directions with God’s people if we can not even handle the little things we have in front of us now. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on July 28, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso