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06/30/2024 | The Condition Of The Church And Our Authority (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: June 30, 2024
Pastor Cristina hits several important points on the condition of the church. Many of us need to be patient and focus on the Lord’s instructions. We have been told to not react to the things that we are seeing in the world. As a prophet or a prophetess you are only to speak the word that the Father has put into your mouth. Worries of our past and past family mistakes and bondages are not to be our concerns, because Jesus died for those to be broken. Do not allow jealousy in your hearts, if you see a fellow member of the body of Christ being blessed, shouldn’t you be excited, because you’re next to get blessed? After all we are all following God’s instructions right? Our Father does not need to tell else every detail of His plans to any of us, we are liable to add or take away from them. Pastor Cristina also shared the condition of the body here in the United States and the Philippines both are under God’s hands, but there are some things that we need to address. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on June 30, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.