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10/06/2024 | This Is How You Persevere (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: October 06, 2024
Perseverance is what we are lacking in these days. We push through until we have an obstacle in our tracks that we are not willing to hurdle. We chase only the words of the prophet to pump up ourselves. Are we willing to take the instructions given to us and run the race to the finish? Our Father will not be made to wait for us to get around to His Will. There is nothing we can do without our Father, we’ve been given all the authority and power over the earth, He has given us all that we need to change this world for God’s Kingdom, so why aren’t we doing that? We are allowing others opinions to alter our instructions. We allow our own wills get in the way of our true mission. Stop trying to replicate things you have read in the bible, did the Father tell you to do that or did you do that on your own? Our Father has so many blessings in store for us once we obey Him. Make it a point to come to Him for every decision you make, start from the moment you open your eyes, until the moment you shut them every night. time is slipping by but it is not too late to obey our Lord. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on October 06, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso