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3/12/2025 | Be Prepared for the Spiritual Battle (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: March 13, 2025
This evening, Pastor Joshua reminded us of the manifestations that are coming this week and to keep the faith and fire of what is to come. But he warns us of how Satan will come and attack us during this important time. We discuss Daniel and how he knew of the great things God has for him. He took hold of God’s word, but faced opposition in all sorts. He was thrown in the lions den and was almost executed, but he never swayed from God’s promises. Satan isn’t going to roll over and let you take your destiny. You will be faced with spiritual battles during this time, but always go back to the promises of God. We need to have determination during this time and stop making excuses spiritually and physically. It is time that get prepared to fight the battle spiritually and physically. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.