03/05/2025 | Don't Fall Into the Devil’s Trap (Pastor Joshua Sosso)
Published: March 06, 2025
This evening, Pastor Joshua talks about how we need to surrender our will to God. The true surrender to God is by giving it up to him. We don’t deserve what God is doing, but it’s exciting. We need to take each instruction like it’s your last and do everything without delay. If God starts to lead you somewhere, don’t let people try to get you out of the will of God. We need to be sensitive to the spirit and keep a guard over our mouths. To be able to hear the voice of God, we need to spend time with him. We have to have a heart of flesh and obey the leading of the Lord. Don’t fall into the easy trap of stepping out of God’s will and into the devils. People are going to look at us for an example, so we have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. If we continue to do things our own way, someone else will step into the calling. God wants to move in your life right now. Spend time with him and allow him to guide your path. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.