02/26/2025 | Tithing with the Right Heart (Pastor Joshua Sosso)
Published: February 27, 2025
This evening, Pastor Joshua talks about how our motivation is not supposed to be about riches and finances. We can’t have other things be our idols. The way we spend our time is also planting seeds. We can’t only tithe for the purpose of being blessed. It is for us to give our 1st fruits of our labor. We have to involve God in everything we have and it doesn’t matter how little you have, God looks at the heart. Whatever he has given us, we have to honor him with it. If you feel like you haven’t been moving forward, ask God to reveal your heart issues. If we see success we have to give God all the glory. Everyday is a day where we give God glory. As we tithe, we need to give with a thankful heart. If we are faithful with little, we will be faithful with much. Choose today how you will glorify God and the nations will be changed. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.