10/23/2022 | Darkness won't be for long (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
Published: October 23, 2022
This Morning, Pastor Cristina referenced back to the Great Eclipse back in 2017. She talks about how God revealed to her that like an eclipse, there will only be darkness for a short amount of time and the light, which is the body of Christ, will prevail. She also mentions the things of God are not convenient to the eyes, they require discipline, obedience, and consistency. Something we need to understand is our minds are so microscopic compared to God’s. Sometimes the instructions God has given to us don’t make sense, but we don’t need to understand, we just need to get in line with what he says and stop trying to take control. We can’t continue to do things ours or the worlds way any longer, if we want to partake in the Transfer of Wealth and Influence. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 28, 2021.