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01/19/2025 | This Is How You Qualify Yourself (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: January 19, 2025
This morning Pastor Cristina talks about how we have to be a giver to the kingdom of God. If we can’t honor or trust God with our finances, he can’t bless us with more. We have to be willing to let go and let God be our sole provider. In addition, We need to make sure we won’t disqualify ourselves in this season. Don’t assume you are entitled to the Transfer of Wealth. That way of thinking will disqualify you, instead be grateful and continue to seek God for further instructions. God will use us in his perfect move, even if we are imperfect. At the prophetic gathering Pastor Cristina discusses how we need to look at things in the spirit first, before we tackle any issue or before we pray for a matter at hand. We will be able to call things as though they were not as they are if we look at things in the spirit. Our past mistakes,struggles,and hardships, God is turning them around for good and a greater purpose. No mind can conceive what he has in store for us in the Transfer of Wealth. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.