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12/01/2024 | Jesus Has Restored His Church to a Place of Dominion (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: December 01, 2024
We are blessed to be a blessing! For too many years, the spiritual leaders in this nation have given up power in every sector of society. They have surrender the arts, entertainment, government, education and much more. However God intends to restore the Church to a position of authority in every sector of society. This is much like how Jesus as the 2nd Adam restored all of mankind back to the Father through his own sacrifice. The 1st Adam brought mankind into bondage and sin through the fall, but the 2nd Adam took all of the responsibility upon himself so that we the Church can step into the freedom, power, and authority that God intended for us from the start. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cris Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on December 1st, 2024.