03/19/2023 | Learn to Love And Trust Christ (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
Published: March 19, 2023
This morning Pastor Cristina addressed the men, we’ve been raised up with a protector and leadership mentality, it just comes natural for us, but as followers of Christ it is essential for us to change that mentality into a Lover of God. Jesus is the groom and we are the bride of Christ remember? That means we as men have to learn how to be loved and provided for by Christ just as we do for others in our lives. When we learn to be the bride for Jesus, you will discover that everything is about God, everything you do, every signs and wonders done through you will be for God’s glory and not for your own personal gain. It would not even cross your mind to take credit for anything. You will begin to find joy in impossible situations, because God is with you. Could you imagine being at the the cusp of losing everything, but having a smile on your face, because you know that our Father in heaven is going to provide, no matter how dire the situation may look? Always be patient, listen to what our Father is telling us, don’t lean on your own understanding, and follow the instructions given to you. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on March 19, 2023 by Pastor Cristina Sosso