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08/14/2024 | God Has Better For You (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: August 15, 2024
This evening, Pastor Josh focuses on the calling of God on our lives. We are instructed to follow the plan of God for our lives, no matter what it looks like. There will be times when following God’s plan is going to go against what everyone else is saying. We have to be in tune with God so we can hear his voice in the midst of a crowd. If God calls us to an industry, we have to accept that where God is leading us might not be something we like. You might love a certain design or idea, but God might call you to study a different way, just so you can open your mind and trust him. We have to come to God and ask him to reveal the issues of our heart everyday. We need to walk towards the vision God has for us. God is going to turn our lives upside down, but walking with God will make it a piece of cake and better than we could ever imagine. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.