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10/16/2024 | Purification for God's Plan (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: October 17, 2024
This evening, Pastor Josh continued on what was shared this past Sunday. Fasting and praying are tough on the flesh and are used to prepare us for spiritual warfare. We cannot fast and pray during the fight, we should already be prepared. Fasting and praying are also used to purify us. Like farmers that thresh the wheat to get rid of only the edible parts, God will do the same to us. We have to allow God to get rid of the bad parts of us and only keep what is good and holy. Sometimes it won’t be easy. But our obedience to God will prove our faith and trust in God’s plan. We have to treat every single day as a mission field and go through the discipline of God using the best of us. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.