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06/24/2024 | Be Strong for Spiritual Warfare (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: June 27, 2024
This evening, Pastor Josh focused on spiritual warfare and how it is a constant battle to bring forth the Kingdom of God. It is our job to call things as they should be, not be reactive to what we see in the world. God has called the church to be the leaders in the world and create new things. It is time we take hold of that calling. We are also always supposed to be ready for spiritual battle. Satan is already defeated, but he isn’t going to roll over. We have to strengthen ourselves in the word of God to be ready for any attack that will come at us. Pastor Josh also mentions that being physically well is also needed for spiritual warfare. Daniel was fighting spiritual battles and his physical body was feeling the effects. Now is the time to build yourself up spiritually and physically because a great move of God is coming. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.