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01/01/2025 | The Start of Our Race (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: January 02, 2025
Happy New Year! This evening, Pastor Joshua talks about not allowing yourself to get distracted. Stay focused on the instructions from the Lord. When God sends us to do something, we have to prepare as if we were talking in front of thousands. When we speak, the people need to feel the confidence and power from the Holy Spirit. Take the vision from the Lord and write it down and share the revelation with others. As long as we obey the instructions completely, I have finished my calling. Pastor Josh references what John Quincy Adams would say to people regarding his pursuit in ending slavery- “Duty is ours and the results are God’s”. Always remember that when moving forward because God will fill us with the authority to empower thousands. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.