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08/11/2024 | Put Your Trust In The Lord (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: August 11, 2024
A simple but powerful sermon this morning from Pastor Cristina, Trust in the Lord. Every decision or dedication that we have given to the Lord, even though we have forgotten them, our Father will not. Everywhere we go and do our Father will be there with us. It is our job to ask for direction in every area of our life, but to also follow every command and instruction given to us. It may not be the most comfortable walk, and at times it will feel like you will not make it but rest assured, our Father will not let you fall if you are in His will. With you obedience comes many many blessings. God wants us to enjoy our lives! Walking with Him is no easy task, but the rewards far exceed the hardship. So pick up your head and run full throttle to Gods’ blessings. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on August 11, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso.