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10/20/2024 | This Is How To Build Your Faith (Pastor Cristina Sosso)

Published: October 20, 2024
Major changes are coming our way in the body of Christ. These changes can be good, some may be bad it all depends on your walk with Christ. Are you following His instructions are you just flowing through the days without any action? Are you learning from your past mistakes, or are you searching for approval of man and trying to justify your sin? We are to remain spiritually minded, so that we will not miss out on anything that are Father is trying to show us. Everyday should be a constant conversation with the Lord, nonstop. We can no longer look to our past and blame our upbringing. The day that you were born again wipes the past away, you look forward and make the corrections that you have not been paying attention to, or neglecting. Your long years in the ministry does not reflect your level of maturity, all those years count for nothing if you have not been seeking the Lord and doing His works. Someone born again yesterday could be doing greater than you tomorrow, not because they are greater than you, but because they follow instructions that are given by the Lord. God does not play Favorites. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on October 20, 2024 by Pastor Cristina Sosso