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01/15/25 | Obeying Authority in the Church (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: January 16, 2025
This evening, Pastor Joshua talks about how the calling of God isn’t something we choose, but something God brings upon us. God requires us to give up our own wills and selfish desires in order to live out the destiny he’s given us . Don’t worry about the circumstances or how things look, our only job is to obey God and the results are God’s. When God sends us on an assignment, don’t try to force anything or have preconceived ideas of what the results are. Let God do his work. When new revelation is coming, you can use the scripture to test if something is from the Lord, because God will use the scriptures to support his claims. If it’s not from God, it won’t line up with scripture. Look at what the focus is, does it point to God or self? We can’t assume that there is nothing left to learn from the scriptures, because there will always be revelation. Pastor Joshua also touches on submitting to those who have authority over you. If someone is trying to get you to go against God’s will, you have to make a choice to not waver from God’s instructions. In a Christ centered marriage, husbands must act in love and lead their household, as Christ did for the church. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.