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10/09/24 | Balance of Masculine and Feminine Traits (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: October 10, 2024
This evening, Pastor Josh talks about how the things that are corrupting our minds, we must cut them out in order to be part of the Transfer of Wealth. We have to have the strength to stand against the evil things of the world. God has set our roles as men and women. We need to not be ashamed of loving God due to what society says. Jesus is a great example of a good balance of masculine and feminine traits. Jesus had so much love and compassion for those who hated him. In the story of the prostitute, Jesus had the strength against those who tried to stone the woman, and had the compassion not to condemn her. Be quick to listen and slow to speak with anger. God made both men and women equal and for a purpose. We can both learn from each other and love each other. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.