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07/14/2024 | Now is the Time to Obey (Pastor Cristina & Joshua Sosso)

Published: July 14, 2024

This morning, we are seeing how our prayers and obedience are making a difference in our country. We as Christians should never rejoice when an enemy is going through punishments. It is our job to pray and intercede not only for the ones we love, but as well as our enemies. We were told that if you are given a prophecy or vision, you don’t just receive it and wait for the result. You have to stand in the gap and intercede to change the outcome. We have to continue to obey and focus on the details during this important time. Our nation was formed by prayer to God and it is going to be saved by our continued prayers. This sermon was delivered at Freedom Fellowship Church International in San Antonio, TX.

Follow God’s way of doing things when God reveals something to a prophet, that is bad or grieves Him, it is not for us to speak it and wait for it to come to pass pray for the protection of president biden against assassination we will do great things through our prayers we have to walk our faith and not continue to just talk the talk He wants us to produce fruits that will last throughout the generations