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06/09/2024 | Are You Answering The Call (Pastor Joshua Sosso)

Published: June 09, 2024
Everyday we are given an opportunity to obey the Lord, but are we letting these opportunities and instructions slip by? Are our goals for ourselves self centered, only looking at the things that we can gain by obeying Him? Remember whatever our Father has given us is not just for our own benefits, but for His glory and His people. Noah answered the call in a time that the Father regretted creating us. He was given a task that he could have never imagined he would be given, and because of his obedience we are all here today. Not all of these instructions are going to be what we have imagined for ourselves, so we need to be submissive to God’s will. Keep in mind that just because you are doing the will of God, not everyone will be behind you and support you. The more you submit to the Father the more He will be able to rely on you. This sermon was released at Freedom Fellowship Church International on June 6, 2024 by Pastor Joshua Sosso