04/14/2021 | What Happens When You Give Into Fear (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
Published: April 15, 2021
In I Kings Elijah gave into fear of Jezebel despite all the many times that God had used him in the past. This was because he stopped focusing on God and instead focused on his circumstances. Once Elijah did this the anointing of Jehu became delayed, and Jehu was the one that God used to deal with Ahab and Jezebel. So because of Elijah giving into fear the dealing of the Lord was delayed. The same thing has happened here in the United States of America, because the Body of Christ gave into fear the move of God and the dealing of the Lord was delayed here in the US. We must decide to obey God fully and not give into fear. This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church International on April 14, 2021.