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Episode 262: Loving, Trusting, and Obeying Jesus

Whether you’re married, single, or in a strained relationship, making Jesus our first love is vital and will yield supernatural results.

Published: February 25, 2017

Originally Aired: February 25, 2017

Speakers: Cristina Sosso




thank you for tuning in this is Joshua Sosso and you are listening to the prophetic voice of our time so we’re still in the month of February a couple weeks ago we just finished celebrating Valentine’s Day so this week we’re going to be talking about love and we’re gonna be talking about romancing God but before we get into that I want to inform you guys of a fundraiser we are currently holding at Freedom Fellowship Church in fact this weekend is the first weekend of this fundraiser and it’s going to be going on from this weekend and the following two weekend’s on Saturday so that’s February the 25th Saturday March the 4th and Saturday March the 11th we are having a fund raising sale at freedom Fellowship Church so you should come out and join us we’re going to have a little something for everyone we’re gonna have furniture we’re gonna have clothes music movies there’s going to be food for you to eat the whole ministry team is gonna be there the whole praise team is gonna be there and we’re raising money to send the praise and worship team in the ministry team to Israel so everything that you buy and we encourage you you know go ahead and buy as much as you want and anything that you buy anything that you pay for will go towards sending the ministry team and praising worship team to Israel this summer and any remaining funds will go towards this radio broadcasts the prophetic voice of our time so we invite all of you to join us at freedom Fellowship Church she had a very specific of instructions concerning personal relationships for people with marriages that are going through rough patch for people that aren’t married for people that want to get married these all apply to you so we’re going to play back these instructions if you’re hearing it now it’s directed at you and the focus of this message is about the love of God and Romancing Jesus building that relationship with God so without further ado let’s tune in to Pastor Cris and hear what she has to say today you know we have a lot of things that we’re getting from the Lord from the Holy Spirit for 2017 and we all are sensing it so it is important for us just to be strengthened and to be encouraged we need to encourage one another we need to pray for one another the Lord is doing so many things on the earth that we’d never heard or it never happened before in the history of the church but I’m not supposed to share this morning but last week I encountered so many people and the Holy Spirit is giving me the same instruction to everybody and woke me up three o’clock in the morning who was so excited he was teaching me and I said like uh hold on Lord I’m not supposed to be ministering this Sunday and it just kept on telling me it’s a skill but sharing me things and how excited he is then I got excited so now I said okay the order of the service will change in saying I have to give this and this is also for you our listeners the prophetic voice of our time this is for you too so those of you that are listening you’re not exempt but you are included in this blessing amen okay in Matthew chapter 22 verse 37 through 40 the greatest commandment of all since prophecy is motivated by love everything that God is doing all the good things that are happening in our lives is because He loves us so if the burden is too heavy if the yoke is too difficult if it’s painful that it brings you sorrow it didn’t come from God okay okay it’s love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind this is the first and greatest commandment and the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself and this is a proven fact at least in my life if you don’t love God with all your heart there is no way that you’ll be able to love your neighbor as you love yourself you will love yourself more you notice I’m saying every good thing will stop with you and with your interest and with your loved ones you’re not going to share so it is important for us to fall in love with Jesus as if for the first time ever again because his love his ways his presence his word is always fresh and new every morning right and this is the season beginning this year is the season that we really need to meditate on this commandment from the Lord love him first and foremost and then love your neighbor as yourself and this year you are going to have an assignment and you must follow this assignment because why this is the year we’re in God is not just going to heal relationship that he ordained but he is more than willing for us all of us children to live heaven on earth he is more concerned about the relationship than you after all he created mankind to establish relationship with us right his children his people his bride his beloved I considered this a great privilege to teach you to be chosen by him to teach his people how to love him to trust him and to obey him it is a great privilege many of those and you know this and if you are one of them don’t say Amen okay keep it to yourself many of those in the body of Christ even majority of those that are married Christian are living below what God has purposed in their marriage in their life in their family are you getting this and many anointed people that are called by God they will turn their back on God and pursue and said well I need to focus on my family first and they walk away from that relationship violating and sinning without them knowing it because they just violated the greatest commandment of all because if we know God we trust him that we are going to stay in our post and he will take care of those things that concern us he will find a way to take care of our family to protect them and you know what he loves them more than you love them because God the Father loves you and I as much as he loves His only begotten Son that’s a lot of love so he will never plan while you’re busy doing his word in building that relationship with him he’s not going to say okay now that his focus I’m going to let areas in his or her life fall apart no he will always think about you he’s very protective of those who are diligently seeking him his reward is with him God rewards those who diligently seek Him so it is it is important for us to trust or don’t come from eyes and don’t focus on what God has already established in your life allow God to separate allow God to heal allow God to restore allow God to bless you need to seek God for their sake as much as God’s people are you getting this okay and you can only do this if you fall in love and continue to be in love with our Lord Jesus Christ you don’t have to earn his love he is already in love with you right I don’t know how he does that because for me he should love me more than you why is it that has to be equal it is amazing he’s an amazing God what can I say so I don’t know ever since I was a child I thank God for this priest he introduced Jesus as my savior and he told me that I can always go to Jesus and tell Jesus every secret that I have every concern every fear even if I cost a problem so I always go to Jesus I always talk to him so it is just like breathing to me it became natural when I got born again and for me for lack of a better word I accidentally discovered this love relationship with him the Holy Spirit took over and my life became very exciting even in times of trouble hello as if God don’t know right because he’s into details so if you’re married today then you can allow God to improve that marriage if you’re facing a difficult impossible situation like for example you’re separated you’re in the process of divorce and you don’t want it then allow God to do supernatural just don’t touch it just follow the instructions that I’m going to give you right for those that are wanting to get married for those of you that are too young to even think about getting married for those of you who don’t want to get married for those of you who don’t know what they want and said all of this applies to you okay so there’s no exemption and for those of you that are going to Israel with me this is a required curriculum okay for all of you to be able to receive what God has for you in 2017 okay because our trip to Israel it’s a spiritual journey for you but it is an open door for you it is up to you okay because as a whole the Holy Spirit is leading the body of Christ his bride to a place where she’d never been before a glorious place an influential and affluent show place the battle cries will emerge as a glorious church before the Lord comes okay so don’t look I said oh it must be the end it must be the end look what’s happening all around us know if you are a Christian you’re looking at the wrong direction you’ll turn into a pillar of salt right you look at what’s happening in your life and the body of Christ as a whole we will be influential Church first before the Antichrist is allowed to wreak havoc here the Lord is going to place his shirts first to a place of prominence okay before we get out of here so when these things happening now that prophetic words are manifesting prophecies are manifesting left and right that is the place oh this must be the beginning of the end glory to God because why Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkles okay for those of you that are married now okay some of you might need to fast in order to obey this okay at least once a week and tell them if you’re grumpy spouses and said it’s my assignment Pastor Cris said that she would drown me if I don’t own if I don’t do this so blame me for this I want you to write a love letter to your spouse okay date it and tell him or her that his instruction from the Lord recall one godly characteristic why you fall in love and one thing that he or she did special for you a romantic gesture change your flower you’re going to recall that and you’re going to explain that’s a love letter at least once a week okay and express your love and appreciation for your spouse yes some of you are will be raising the dead okay so is you’re going to prove that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you so what is it and when you say it when you read that love letter so what your loved one don’t be grumpy don’t be crying okay because it will create transformation miracle restoration healing okay okay for those of you that are listening on the radio you tube you do brother don’t don’t ever shake your head when you do sister and don’t ever say that you cannot say any good thing about him remember is your taste just recall that remind yourself so prove the devil wrong to live heaven on earth okay okay so express your love and appreciation to your spouse trust God on this if God was not able to wait until I wake up this is very important to him so make it as important to you okay and if you’re not living with your spouse right now he or she would not even listen to you make a copy of that letter keep a copy to yourself and send the original to him or to her now this is one for the spouse that you’ve been wanting to reconcile that you still love and yourself love that person and that person is already married I repeat if that person is already married to somebody else just write it date it don’t send it okay allow God because if your past marriage to that person cannot be salvaged that person is in love with somebody who is a godly person if you’re going to do that in what in obedience to whatever so true whatever is perfect if there’s any praise or excellence you think about these things do not mail it do not call them on the phone and read it yes I’m saying just write it or thank God for for that person put it in your journal and then let it go because God does not enjoy seeing his people suffer God can change your heart in a blink of an eye in an instant and you’ll be released from that captivity hello and if it’s meant to be to be reconciled and healed again God is going to make away do not help God on it is the instruction clear okay for those of you that are not married who don’t want to be married too young to get married write a letter to Jesus date it tell him how much you love him remember and remind him one or two good things that he did for you other than you save me thank you know you all especially you young people you encountered supernatural things during your Bible studies okay and write those letter not just once a week at least three times minimum of three times a week and when you write those don’t submit a prayer petition to him remember you’re loving him are you getting this you know how it is when romans will immediately fly out of the window you will be google eyes and then i said oh i need for you to do this fix the plumbing i need the money you have to pay this bills you have to pay that and said you cannot be romantic after that I tried and there’s I’m saying so don’t submit a prayer petition it is all Lord I love you and said remember when you did this remember when I was in deep trouble and then you told me I heard your voice remember when you visited me in a dream and think and all of you think about something that you can romance him all Jesus wanted from you because he provides for everything is your heart your time he just want time from you he wants you to trust him and to love and to receive that a laugh back right okay is this too difficult it’s time to resurrect romance because God created the romance so we need to resurrect that okay so write the letter to Jesus for all of you don’t sub it a petition don’t complain don’t ask Jesus for anything to do okay just love him treat this like a date so remember when you fall in love the first time oh man everywhere you go you were reminded of that person right you hated wrestling with a passion and man he he loved watching those clowns hitting on each other with those fancy belt but then you want it to be you wanted to share his or her interest and then you get into it if you’re a guy you wanted war movies and now you’re watching chick flick right and a hoping that you can steal a kiss or you can hold hands right that’s all you think about it’s not you’re not thinking about yourself when you’re in love you’re thinking about that person and whatever good things that happen to that person you are happy am I correct and you are so partial that person is perfect even though he or she slurping the soup drooling making lot of noises but you tolerate that’s oh that’s cute right until after 25 years right so don’t complain to Jesus but be grateful okay this is a date this is a romantic date see now you understand why he was so excited because you never dated him every time you talk to Jesus give me this give me that beat somebody else judge this person right so this is an easy task for most of you right but it’s going to be challenging for Christian brats this is about them no this is about Jesus now right okay if you did not involve God in your past choices if you did not follow these ways of doing things his precepts if his commands do not blame him for the bad results okay so take responsibility take this as a romantic time with the Lord and you will be surprised of the results how the Holy Spirit will just come in glory okay so don’t give Jesus a grocery list or honeydews but instead honey what can I do for you okay so instruction for those who want to get married every day you thank Jesus for your life and for who he is right him love letters every day remind him and recall those times that he really touched you how you personal prophecies were fulfilled and that you trust him develop this love relationship with him because what Jesus is really waiting is he want to make sure that he’s not going to loose you when you get married because he already lost millions of Christians that are married now they put their spouse first and foremost instead of God so he doesn’t want you to be added to those statistics are you listening to me okay when he’ll know that you will love him more than anyone more than anything he knows that you’re ready so you’re not waiting on God okay he’s waiting on you amen well we’re about out of time for today but those are our instructions so we’re not waiting on God or we shouldn’t be waiting on God God is wait on us so let’s take him at his word and let’s do what he has instructed us to do make sure to write your love letters to God and let’s see what God does let’s romance God and see what he does in our lives
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Episode 262: Loving, Trusting, and Obeying Jesus

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