Episode 296: Double Portion Restoration
Each one of Job's friends had an explanation of what was happening to him, and they were all wrong. In light of the recent tragic shooting in Sutherland Springs...
11/02/2022 | How To Be Kingdom Minded Kings (Pastor Joshua Sosso)
This evenings service focused on our duties in industries God has given us to rule over. We need to begin this mission on our knees asking our Father for wisdom...
Episode 361: Philippines Mission Trip Report
Pastor Cris shares some of the highlights of what God did in the recent mission trip to the Philippines. “...in John 4:35, Jesus says ‘do you not say, four...
05/05/2019 | Sowing and Reaping (Pastor Cris Sosso)
Sowing and reaping isn't just about money. The seed is the Word of God. We have to walk by faith and obey the instructions God has given us. This...
Episode 498: A Greater Anointing is Here
Great things are happening and things are going to manifest with or without you, so get involved! Stay focused and obey. Remember to pray for the prophets of our time....
9/8/2019 | Supernatural Should Be Our Normal (Pastor Cris Sosso)
Support SOGMI: https://sogmi.org/donate Like Us On Facebook: https://facebook.com/sonsofgodministries Sons of God Ministries International is dedicated to discipling God's people and empowering the Body...
02/16/2020 | We Must Be Willing To Make Changes (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
God wants to bring about uprecedented prosperity and influence to the Body of Christ so that we can transform the nations, but we as individuals must be willing to make...
Episode 520: Seek Out God's Vision
We need to open ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Through the gift of tongues, we will find God's purpose and direction to the path He intends...
02/23/2020 | We Will Understand the Signs Of The Times And Know What Should Be Done (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
This sermon was delivered by Pastor Cristina Sosso at Freedom Fellowship Church on February 2, 2020....
07/15/2018 | New Season "More Changes and Supernatural Manifestations" (Pastor Cris)
Support SOGMI: https://sogmi.org/donate Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/sonsofgodministries...
October 2022 Philippines Livestream
11/18/2018 | Stand Firm In the Identity God Has Given You (Pastor Cris)
08/25/2021 | Do Not Fear; Trust in God (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
It's important that the Body of Christ doesn't fall into fear. God does not give you a spirit of fear. In this season we must focus on the...
09/15/2024 | When A Prophet Is In Town (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
A reminder this morning that the instructions we have been given by our Father in heaven is not a suggestion, but a mandate. We are too mature of Christ followers...
Episode 282: Changes are Coming
Promotions and transformations of nations are coming....
01/02/2022 | How to Get Into the Supernatural (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
In this year 2022, we need to submit to God in everything. If you are willing, you will find that God will command you to do things that you don...
Episode 233: The Love of God
God is love, and He loves you! When He sees you and I, He sees Jesus....
08/22/2021 | Renounce Yourself and Pursue God First (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
Many in the Body of Christ selfishly focus on their own desires and wants. Think about it. How many hours of prayer have you spent on yourself? First and foremost...
12/01/2021 | You Need to Experience the Glory of God (Pastor Cristina Sosso)
The glory of God is going to manifest in this season. To prepare for it we need to seek out God's presence and His glory. In II Chronicles 7...
06/17/2018 | The Father Son Relationship (Pastor Cris)
Every week we stream the morning service at Freedom Fellowship Church. Come join us and be blessed!