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Episode : transfer of wealth and influence

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9 episodes tagged with "transfer of wealth and influence"

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    Episode 674: Prophetic Instructions – Delay No Longer

    In this episode Pastor Cristina reviews past prophecies and instructions that have been released. It is important for us to obey God; it is not just for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others. …
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    Episode 659: Greater Things Ahead

    The move of God that He wants to bring forth is one greater than we have ever seen. We must continue to look forward and focus on the destiny God has laid out for us. We cannot afford to waste time …
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    Episode 658: Manifestation Is Here And Now

    We need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and reveal to us the things that need to be addressed. Remember that we need to do things in the spiritual realm first. Let us make sure not to engage in …
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    Episode 653: An Increase in Intensity and Greater Opportunities

    We must go out into every nation— This includes arts and entertainment, business and finance, and every industry. All the new things coming need to come from the leading of the Holy Spirit, so let us …
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    Episode 621: Prophecy of Jesus

    Do not let false prophets who speak of doom and gloom distract you. We need discernment regarding the prophecies that are being released. It says in the Bible that many false prophets and teachers …
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    Episode 610: For the Profit of All

    Do not postpone the things that you need to do for next year. Remember that what God has called us to do is not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit and profit of all. Let us be productive …
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    Episode 552: Get Kingdom Minded

    If we are to be kings, we need the mindset of one. Kings, first and foremost, are concerned about the wellbeing of the people. In the same way, we must see where God has placed us as our …
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    Episode 540: Forty Days and Forty Nights

    For the next forty days and forty nights, focus on what God is saying to the church and your role in the transfer of wealth and influence. Set aside these days to focus on hearing from God and …
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    Episode 527: Walk in the Light

    The transfer of wealth and influence is not going to manifest when everyone else is in peace, but in war; we destroy the devil's work by implementing the kingdom's ways of doing things, by walking in …